Preschool and Pre-K – 3 and 4 years old
Our Preschool Program introduces children to the important next steps in early learning and kindergarten readiness. Each day brings a new adventure as our preschoolers learn to play cooperatively and are exposed to a variety of learning activities.
As children turn three, they become more aware of their role in the world around them and have increased social interactions with their peers and adults. As they turn four, they begin to master the skills and tools they will need to succeed when they enter kindergarten. Our talented and highly trained teachers not only help young children excel in language and cognitive learning but also promote independence, curiosity, decision-making, cooperation, persistence, creativity, and problem solving — the fundamental skills that help determine success in school and life.
Bloom’s Preschool Program is a comprehensive collection of rich resources that offer moment-to-moment support designed to help children explore science, social studies, writing activities, reading and phonics skills and math concepts through daily discovery-based, open-ended activities. Feedback from Wayzata kindergarten teachers and testing by Wayzata School District has proven our students are entering kindergarten not only ready but doing better than others.